Story Of Allah
story to Allah
god I want to live anytime I wanna there smile in the lips of the mother I want everyone to be proud of me
I want all happy to me , I know I can't be like those who can do everything , I'm not those who have a my riad of accomplishments , I'm only human who had a dream and a thousand desires , my good god my bleak past that sometimes makes me no longer able to live , god strengthen me , tegarkan my heart and embrace me when I fell : (
sometimes I wanna angry at God but what i deserve blame my destiny ? ? all I have is yours
god strengthen me with all that has happened the past sometimes it makes me not be able to stay standing , painful very painful ..
YOU are the best friends of my life
you're so loyal to accompany me when I fell and knocked out by those who can not understand me
you're a true friend
God keep me company until my body lifeless
until my eyes closed ..
I want to be happy ..
let me smile even momentarily god : (
that you know everything about me ..
only you who can understand and know my heart without me having to tell
thank god you are always faithful to accompany me until this moment ..
I promise one day I will make them proud of who underestimate me
I know until this moment I can't give you the best but I believe all will be beautiful in its time :)
I love you